Find a CBT Therapist
Cognitive Therapy is based on the philosophy that people can learn to be their own therapist. Be An Informed Consumer!

Academy of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies
Our first recommendation is the Academy of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies. We have listed additional recommendations in the event you cannot find a therapist through the Academy’s directory.
The Academy of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies: “the only certifying organization specifically for cognitive therapists that actually evaluates applicants’ knowledge and ability before granting certification.” Certification by the Academy is awarded to individuals who have demonstrated an advanced level of expertise in cognitive therapy. The Academy’s certified membership include physicians, psychologists, social workers, and other mental health professionals from around the world.
The Academy of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies (A-CBT) was developed as a means to identify and credential mental health professionals who demonstrate competence in cognitive therapy. Its missions include certifying clinicians from all disciplines as competent cognitive therapists and educating the public about this empirically supported treatment…Individuals who apply for certification must document the completion of their postgraduate education and professional licensing, as well as specific training in cognitive therapy. They are required to submit a written case summary with a cognitive conceptualization and an audiotape of actual treatment, which are evaluated by the Credentialing Committee. (excerpt from History of A-CBT)
visit their WEBSITE:
- This link takes you to their home page. Click on the “Find a Therapist” link.
- We do not recommend searching by last name since not all therapists names show up using this method.
- For USA, the fastest way to search is to enter the zip code of your search area. Select 20 miles for your search range so you can select from a wider range of therapists.
- If you are outside the USA, select your country from the drop down list. Then click on SUBMIT.
- If you cannot find a CBT therapist in your area, consider calling someone who is listed in your general vicinity. They may be able to refer you to experienced CBT therapists closer to where you live.
- The Academy’s Common Questions section has useful information about cognitive behavioral therapies.

Association for Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies (ABCT)
WEBSITE: Association for Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies (ABCT)
ABCT is a professional membership organization of cognitive and behavioral therapists. Their website has a large section of resources that explains evidence-based practice, CBT, self-help books of merit, and an updated Find a Therapist directory. To locate a therapist, use the FIND A CBT THERAPIST section.
The therapists listed in their referral directory have met the requirements of membership in the organization. However, this does not mean that they have met any additional requirements for expertise in Cognitive Behavior Therapy.

British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP)
WEBSITE: The British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP).
The Therapist Search section provides the ability to check a therapist’s registration as well as to seach for a CBT registered therapist by county, post code and language.
(excerpted from the BABCP – About the CBT Register page]
This is our (CBT Register) public register of accredited British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) and Association for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (AREBT) members who practice CBT and use evidence-based CBT- informed approaches. The main aim of the Register is to protect the public, employers and other agencies by helping them find and make informed choices about Registrants who meet our standards. All Registrants listed have met our standards of training. They also maintain their clinical practice, supervision and professional development. All members also commit to abide by standards of conduct.

European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy (EABCT)
WEBSITE: European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy (EABCT)
Click on the country of interest. The links give you access to the membership lists of the associations that are part of EABCT. The lists are in the language of the associations, as is often also the case for the therapy you can get from their members.

The Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA) has some helpful questions and issues to consider when choosing a therapist.
We have a CBT News article that covers tips for choosing a therapist. It features a video by Dr. Keely Kolmes, PsyD.
The American Psychological Association (APA) has useful articles about psychotherapy. However, we do not recommend locating a therapist through their Find a Psychologist link since it only includes members who pay additional fees.
California Psychological Association posts a Patient Bill of Rights (California). These are not legal rights but it is a listing of issues to consider and be aware of when choosing a therapist and being in therapy. Their Consumer Resources page has a drop down selection box (at top of page) that provides general information on psychology, the role of a psychologist, how to know when to see a psychologist, etc.
SEE A LICENSED THERAPIST – An unlicensed therapist has no accountability for your treatment.
When a therapist is licensed by the state in which they practice (USA), the consumer is afforded certain protections. A licensed therapist (PhD, LCSW, MFT) must adhere to certain state laws as well as association ethics. As a consumer, you can file complaints again the therapist if you feel your rights have been violated. For USA residents, check your state licensing board to verify the therapist’s license. Use caution when considering a therapist who does not have a professional therapy license.

SEE A LICENSED THERAPIST – An unlicensed therapist has no accountability for your treatment.
To check licenses for Psychologist in California, CLICK HERE for the CALIFORNIA LICENSE SEARCH PAGE.
For more information about the California Board of Psychology, visit HOME PAGE BoP
To verify a therapist’s license in the USA, use GOOGLE SEARCH. Enter “verify [type of therapist] license [state name]”. For example, “verify psychologist license Wy” or “verify social worker license Minnesota”
When visiting websites that offer referral services, check carefully for …

We believe as consumers you need to carefully check any website that has a directory listing of therapists. Here are some of our recommendations:
CHECK the ABOUT US section.
What do they tell you about who they are, their purpose, their mission. Do they provide specifics? Are they part of an organization? If all they provide is general information then you do not know with whom you are dealing.
What is the PROCESS through which a THERAPIST GETS LISTED?
Are therapists listed because they meet professional, national organization qualifications? Are there restrictions on listings (only one therapist per modality, or one therapist per geographical location).
Do therapists get LISTED merely BECAUSE THEY PAY A FEE?
Payment of a fee to be listed is not in and of itself a negative (websites have expenses and it is totally proper for them to charge fees). However, if the only qualification is for the therapist to pay a fee, you as a consumer are entitled to know that and not be led to believe there are other qualifications that they met to be listed.
Is their COPYRIGHT information UP TO DATE?
Sites who update their copyright listing tend to contain current and relevant information. If a site has an outdated copyright date, it is possible their information has not been kept current.

Here’s an EXAMPLE of what we consider IMPORTANT and USEFUL INFORMATION:
We refer you to the Academy of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies ( Click on their ABOUT link drop down box, You can read mission statement, see the names, photos and brief bios of the Board of Directors, as well as specific information about the organization. There is detailed information for consumers, information about therapist certification, information about the directory listing, and contact information that provides multiple ways of contacting them.
Other Photo Credits: Magnifying Glass by Auntie P (licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) Mailboxes by Thomas Galvez (licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0)