A word about the 7-Column Thought Record
How to Correctly Cite the 7-Column Thought Record
Padesky, C.A. (1983). 7-Column Thought Record. Huntington Beach, CA: Center for Cognitive Therapy.
Unfortunately our 7-Column Thought Record copyright has been abused and misused by numerous sites. They have removed our copyright and inserted their own. Others have declared it free use under Creative Commons. And even others have modified a word or two and then claimed it as their creation. ALL of these behaviors have been WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION and violate copyright laws as well as our professions’ Codes of Ethics.
The 7-Column Thought Record was developed by Christine A. Padesky, PhD in the late 1970’s. It appeared in the First Edition of the Mind Over Mood book with a copyright of 1983. It was the first Thought Record to include evidence columns and an alternative/balanced thoughts column.
We encourage you to use the form we provide HERE on this MindOverMood.com site as it perfectly coordinates with the book and adheres to copyright laws. This is the original, official and correct 7-Column Thought Record. Please respect copyright. Thank you.
Small display copy of the official 7-Column Thought Record
Copyright 1983 by Christine A. Padesky