banner titled: includes many exercises focused on mindfulness, acceptance, and forgiveness. The banner includes photo clips of two mind over mood second edition worksheets.

Mind Over Mood (2nd Edition) Worksheets & FAQs

SELECTED WORKSHEETS are listed below the FAQ section (English and Spanish). 
​We thank you for respecting the copyright of these materials


  • For Personal Use Only
  • Worksheets may not be stored on or distributed from intranet, internet, or file sharing sites, nor on any other medium nor made available for resale
  • You may not reprint in a book or workbook
  • You may not distribute the PDF files
  • You need to seek further permission if you wish to include these worksheets in workshop handouts. Use our site CONTACT FORM to seek further permissions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Reprinted with permission of The Guilford Press. For personal use only.
  • Available for Immediate Download. 
  • ​Go to the link that is printed at the bottom of page vi (Contents) in Mind Over Mood, 2nd Edition. We apologize but we are not permitted to post the link here at this time
  • For the PUBLIC: answer “NO” to the question: “Are you a clinician or educator using this book with clients or students?” [see image below]
screen shot of how to answer no to the question are you a clinician or educator using this book with clients or students
  • To open / download, click on the name of a worksheet
  • For worksheets not posted here, therapists who own Mind Over Mood have the publisher’s permission​ to email worksheets to their therapy clients

FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. These worksheets may not be stored on or distributed from intranet, internet, or file sharing sites, nor on any other medium nor made available for resale. You may not reprint in a book or workbook. You may not distribute the PDF files or link to individual files. You need to seek further permission if you wish to include these worksheets in workshop handouts. Use our site CONTACT FORM to seek further permissions.

For worksheets not posted here, therapists who own Mind Over Mood have the publisher’s permission ​ to email worksheets to their therapy clients

​​​PERSONAL USE is described as follows: individuals using for themselves, therapists using with their clients; teachers distributing to their students. 

THERAPISTS do not have the publisher’s permission to post the URL or the worksheets.​ Therapists are welcome to post the following web address on their websites for their clients to have quick access to download the selected worksheets made available on that page.

RESTRICTIONS: Worksheets may not be stored on or distributed from intranet, internet, or file sharing sites, nor on any other medium nor made available for resale. You may not reprint in a book or workbook. You may not distribute the PDF files. You do not have permission to link to individual PDF pages.

You need to seek further permission if you wish to include these worksheets in workshop handouts. Use our site CONTACT FORM to seek further permissions.

We do not recommend using the PDF and eTextbook versions on small screens such as smart phones and small tablets. Some worksheets and examples span two pages. Text is in a fixed format and does not re-flow like it would with normal Kindle formatting. Because this is not a resizable format, it is not recommended for use on screens less than 8 inches. You can read about digital version compatibility issues here

ALSO: the Amazon USA eTextbook format is ​not supported on Kindle E-readers or Windows desktop or other e-ink models. Go to Amazon’s product page, click on eTextbook version. Check compatibility.

Ask your therapist for copies of the worksheets and how you can access them. If you are using Mind Over Mood as part of therapy, your therapist may suggest you use the worksheets in a particular sequence. If you have questions about when and how to utilize the worksheets, please ask your therapist.

Pídale a su terapeuta copias de las hojas de trabajo y cómo puede acceder a ellas. Si usted utiliza El control de tu estado de ánimo como parte de su terapia, el terapeuta puede recomendar que utilice los formularios en un orden en particular. Si tiene preguntas acerca de cuándo o cómo utilizar los formularios, pregúntele al terapeuta.

Anyone who has purchased a copy of Mind Over Mood 2nd Edition (Greenberger & Padesky, 2016) has permission, as stated in the front of the book, to use and copy all our worksheets for personal use. Also you have access to PDF versions of the worksheets by going to the link address printed in your book at the bottom of page vi. Personal use means using the worksheets for yourself. You may not store or distribute them to others.

ABSOLUTELY. Here are some sample worksheets provided by our publisher The Guilford Press.

We recommend you download individual worksheets as needed.

If you download the all-in-one packet, it is over 60 pages long and makes it difficult to extract or use an individual worksheet.

If you own a copy of Mind Over Mood 2nd Edition, you can download all 60 of the step-by-step worksheets. Once downloaded to your device, you have the option to fill them in onscreen before printing. Of course, the worksheets can also be photocopied from the book.

​The publishers link to the worksheets is printed at the bottom of page vi (Contents) in Mind Over Mood, 2nd Edition. We apologize but we are not permitted to post the link here at this time. Once you go to that address, the page asks if you are a clinician or researcher. Please make sure you click NO. Once you do that you will have access to the worksheets. (see image below)

screen shot of how to answer no to the question are you a clinician or educator using this book with clients or students
  • DOUBLE CHECK the address: the link to the worksheets is printed at the bottom of the Contents page vi. Re-check to see you have the correct address.
  • SPELLING ERROR: a lot of people add a d to Guilford. Others use material not materials. Change “guildford” to “guilford” and “material” to “materials”
  • DEVICE MISMATCH: try using another device. Some smart phones direct you to “Page not found.” Try the link using a desktop computer or tablet.
  • WEBSITE PROBLEMS: very rarely the Guilford site is down. It is worth checking to see if the site is working correctly. Copy the words and paste them in the test box at Click on this link to go there:

The worksheets posted here are only a sample of the available worksheets. There are a total of 60 in the English version and a total of 19 in the Spanish version. If you purchase Mind Over Mood 2nd Edition, you have access to all the worksheets in PDF format that can be downloaded and printed. The publishers link to the worksheets is posted at the bottom of the Contents page vi.

Unfortunately Mind Over Mood 2nd Edition (MOM2) is not available as an audio book. Also, the publisher advised us that it was not possible to make the ebook (pdf) Global Certified Accessible (GCA) due to the size and composition of worksheets and images throughout the book.

There is some GOOD NEWS however. We have some short audio and videos ​that may be of interest to readers of the book. ​​We hope to add more in the future.​ That said, we​ realize the difficulties in not having an audio version.​

Video/Audio page: ​

WHY AN AUDIO VERSION COULD NOT BE MADE. ​It would not be possible for a narrator to replicate the workbook experience in an audio version of MOM2. It is a very interactive workbook in which the user is directed to specific chapters in a specific order depending on their needs and issues. ​T​here are many back and forth transitions between text, worksheets, and figures. Use of the worksheets is very important to a successful outcome.

Please read our other FAQs for helpful information on how to access the worksheets which are in PDF format.

The publisher has provided a really useful and extensive set of answers to these questions. Visit ​

Selected Worksheets (English)

​(total of 60 in the book’s Appendix)

If you are using Mind Over Mood as part of therapy, your therapist may suggest you use the worksheets in a particular sequence.

If you have questions about when and how to utilize the worksheets, please ask your therapist.

9.2     7-Column Thought Record
10.2    Action Plan 
10.3    Acceptance
11.2    Experiments
12.10  Beginning a Gratitude Journal
13.1    Depression Inventory
13.2    Depression Graph
13.6    Activity-Schedule-Worksheet / Activity-Schedule-Exercise (use exercise before filling out worksheet 13.6)
14.1    Anxiety Inventory
14.2    Anxiety Graph
15.1    Measuring and Tracking my Moods ​(good to use for any mood you want to better understand) 
15.6   Rating the Seriousness of My Actions (continuum)
15.8   Making Reparations for Hurting Someone
15.9   Forgiving Myself​

Selected Worksheets (Spanish)

​(total of 19 in the book’s Appendix)

​Si usted utiliza El control de tu estado de ánimo como parte de su terapia, el terapeuta puede recomendar que utilice los formularios en un orden en particular. Si tiene preguntas acerca de cuándo o cómo utilizar los formularios, pregúntele al terapeuta.

9.2      Registro de pensamientos
10.2    Plan de actuación
​10.3    Acceptance (only in English)
11.2    Experimentos para probar un supuesto subyacente
12.10  Beginning a Gratitude Journal (only in English)
13.1    Inventario de depresión
13.2    Puntuaciones de los inventarios de depresión
13.6    Ejercicio-Formulario13.6.Programadeactividades
14.1    Inventario de ansiedad
14.2    Puntuaciones de los inventarios de ansiedad
15.1    Puntuar y seguir mis estados de ánimo (es buena para usar para cualquier estado de ánimo que desee comprender mejorr)
15.6   not currently available in Spanish
​15.8   not currently available in Spanish
15.9   Perdonarme

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