Mind Over Mood (2nd Edition) Worksheets & FAQs
SELECTED WORKSHEETS are listed below the FAQ section (English and Spanish).
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Selected Worksheets (English)
(total of 60 in the book’s Appendix)
If you are using Mind Over Mood as part of therapy, your therapist may suggest you use the worksheets in a particular sequence.
If you have questions about when and how to utilize the worksheets, please ask your therapist.
9.2 7-Column Thought Record
10.2 Action Plan
10.3 Acceptance
11.2 Experiments
12.10 Beginning a Gratitude Journal
13.1 Depression Inventory
13.2 Depression Graph
13.6 Activity-Schedule-Worksheet / Activity-Schedule-Exercise (use exercise before filling out worksheet 13.6)
14.1 Anxiety Inventory
14.2 Anxiety Graph
15.1 Measuring and Tracking my Moods (good to use for any mood you want to better understand)
15.6 Rating the Seriousness of My Actions (continuum)
15.8 Making Reparations for Hurting Someone
15.9 Forgiving Myself
Selected Worksheets (Spanish)
(total of 19 in the book’s Appendix)
Si usted utiliza El control de tu estado de ánimo como parte de su terapia, el terapeuta puede recomendar que utilice los formularios en un orden en particular. Si tiene preguntas acerca de cuándo o cómo utilizar los formularios, pregúntele al terapeuta.
9.2 Registro de pensamientos
10.2 Plan de actuación
10.3 Acceptance (only in English)
11.2 Experimentos para probar un supuesto subyacente
12.10 Beginning a Gratitude Journal (only in English)
13.1 Inventario de depresión
13.2 Puntuaciones de los inventarios de depresión
13.6 Ejercicio-Formulario13.6.Programadeactividades
14.1 Inventario de ansiedad
14.2 Puntuaciones de los inventarios de ansiedad
15.1 Puntuar y seguir mis estados de ánimo (es buena para usar para cualquier estado de ánimo que desee comprender mejorr)
15.6 not currently available in Spanish
15.8 not currently available in Spanish
15.9 Perdonarme